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  • Foto do escritorLorenza Decottignies Lorenzon

everY sunseT A rebirtH

Atualizado: 12 de mai.

Where there is a light

There is movement

There is creation

There is composition

There is growth

There is life

When there is essence

When there is true will

There is always a way

Universe will open the path

If we can can imagine

If we can feel it

Then it is real

It is real

Even if we cannot see yet

It's already real

It's only a matter of time

To materialize

And it will happen in many different forms

We are all creators

Creating infinite remixes

We are all divine arts Created by divine

The divine golden cosmos



Every instant

Every breath

Every being

Every angle

Every wind

Every felling

A different precious learning

A precious sacred life

Infinite learnings

All around


The more I look

The more I am open

The more I seek

The more I surrender

To nature flow


Nature Flow

The more I Go

With Nature Flow

Even More Deep




I fall in Love

With this mysterious





Every sunset

Every new dying

Every Sunset

A new dying

A reborn

Every sunset

A new human being

Fresh life

Fresh water

Fresh emotions

Fresh inspiration

Pulsante infnite magical passionate


L i f E OneSouL L i f e L i f e



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