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"BuenoS diaS VidA" ~ Ritual Musical Regenerativo ~ Filosopoesia Eletronicorganica ~ Composição LIVE

"BuenoS diaS VidA" ~ Ritual Musical Regenerativo ~ Filosopoesia Eletronicorganica ~ Composição LIVE

buenos días vida tá mais bonita hoje mais azul mais fresca por quê esquecemos tanto a jornada astral?! a única parte que me lembro é de levitar objetos apontando com a mão com a força do pensamento movia as coisas de lugar impressionava as pessoas que tavam lá quem estava?! por quê estava?! quando estava?! sei lá sei lá só sei que me elevou a chama de acreditar que só de pensar já compomos essa sinfonia de materializar que a fé inabalável se firma sem fronteiras gratidão por me lembrar de lembrar lembrar de lembrar acordar escutando sanhaço cantar tomar um banho gelado pra despertar parece que acordei faltaNo uns 20% pra me regenerar por que será?! sei lá buenos dias vida buenos dias vida todo dia é dia de agradecer de celebrar por respirar deixo a caneta deslizar livre no papel sem linhas pra me contar o que aconteceu nesse astral o que o racional não terá tempo de frear o que a intuição quer me guiar o que a criança quer se expressar quero novas perspectivas palavras melodias pra expressar navegar nesse oceano de benção e estranhezas mistérios dessa alma que tanto deseja se libertar cantar elevar essa criatura que precisa se alongar mas que se encantou com um ritual matinal de se regenerar ritual matinal de agradecer de celebrar um novo dia que renasce início meio início tudo se renova tudo se renova buenos dias vida buenos dias vida buenos dias vida buenos dias gratidão por mais um dia de vida de encantoria
"nãO preciSa seR comErciaL" ~ Composição Live Loop ~ Reggae Eletrônicorgânico ~ Natureza Good Vibes

"nãO preciSa seR comErciaL" ~ Composição Live Loop ~ Reggae Eletrônicorgânico ~ Natureza Good Vibes

não precisa ser comercial importante é que seja com alma que transforme, regenere, liberte, pulse, expanda, faça sentir encoraje os corações que se perderam com tantas vozes de repressão tantos condicionamentos tanta lógica, teoria, razão que a criatividade, inovação, imaginação, dissolva as conclusões que a espontaneidade celebre o novo que a música partilhe essência, valores, autenticidade, amor, respeito, pluralidade a vida é um musical cheio de magia por isso eu canto celebro essa vida cada instante de reinspirar cada arte de expirar tomando banho recebo inspirações nem sei de onde vem só sei que tudo nesse mundo nasce de cocriações acendo vela, agradeço tantas bençãos de multi dimensões ao pensar, sentir, falar, fazer, cantar mantramos, esculpimos tudo que há nós somos natureza, jardim, oceano, remix de saberes y belezas somos artes e artistas nada nos pertence tudo é autoria da vida somos culturas misturadas filosofia holística poesia metafísica nada nos pertence nós e que pertencemos a ela pachamama madre tierra a música nos une relembra das raízes ecoa estórias, visões, sonhos y memórias nos alegra, nos hacie encantar dissolve preconceitos transmuta sentimentos ilumina medos abre los caminos conecta as tribos conecta, conecta não importa que não seja comercial não precisa ser comercial importante é que seja com alma não precisa ser comercial importante é que seja com alma fusão de antigos e novos mundos decifrando mistérios lúdicos melodias atemporais composições magicósmicas não precisa ser comercial importante é que seja com alma decomposições corajosas trilha que se faz caminando na direção do pulsar mais forte mais verdade mais vontade nesse instante de eternidade as letras são diários existencialistas nos reconectam renovam perspectivas expressão da vida compreendendo o viver sem certo ou errado aprendendo a ser mais ser amando se desconhecer com a curiosidade de ir além teatro de arquétipos expansão sem gêneros arte regenerativa mandala artivista cocriando novos mundos com verdade e boas intenções cultivando mais vida com boas vibrações não importa que não seja comercial não precisa ser comercial importante é que seja real importante é conversar com a alma y corazón reacender a chama avessa, bailar com a razão relembrar tudo é início meio e recomeço que somos unidade em expansão criaturas selvagens buscando a origem aprendendo a desaprender se reinventando a cada amanhecer nessa jornada loka maravilhosa que é viver cada instante, planta, borboleta gota, vento, sopro das estrellas cada som de manifestação de vida é presença sagrada divina importante é que seja com a alma não precisa ser comercial importante é que seja com a alma con corazón com amor que sea del soul que sea con amor não precisa ser comercial importante é que sea con alma não precisa ser comercial importante é que seja com alma
🕸 te encontro ali...🕸 (trilha sonora "Into The Deep Blue" ~ Lemon And Soul ft. Gil Hadash)

🕸 te encontro ali...🕸 (trilha sonora "Into The Deep Blue" ~ Lemon And Soul ft. Gil Hadash)

Te encontro ali.. Onde há ventos perfumados Jardins de magia Vidas de infinitas formas Sabores de poliamores Onde os grilos compõem orquestras A vida é na velocidade x1 A agua é limpa Cigarritas harmonizam os chakras Kionças saem libres na gandaia Onde as borboletas bailam em câmera lenta Jacupemba, bem te vi, sabiá y macaquin partilham canjica Teia da aranha brilha que nem diamante Cada instante pulsa mistério magnetizante Onde dançar é meditar Onde musicalizar é alquimizar Respiração é calmaria aveludada Humanidade relembra que é natureza Onde cultivamos jardins de policulturas Onde tem agua com alecrim na mesa Onde o fazer nada é regenerar Onde o tempo se dissolve em profundidade de estar Transformar Amar Artear Onde a alimentação é abundante, colhida do pé Cada sol que renasce é celebração de existir A natureza é metamorfósica e livre O ritmo é orgânico O ninho é bioconstruído Onde o travesseiro tem cheirin de alfazema A paciência é que nem de formiga A visão é de águia O coração é de beija flor A benção é arrepio de cachoeira O aconchego é calor de marisia Onde o corpo é templo A vida é um ritual sagrado O desejo é tântrico O racional é cósmico A natureza é toda divina Onde a telepatia é fuerte A intuição é mestra A linguagem é holística O tom é harmônico Onde o movimento de conhecer y aprofundar transformar y expandir é oxigênio Onde amor transborda por tudo que existe O astral dissolve as ilusões de fronteiras As culturas se fundem em êxtase As relações são mais cruas, nuas, autênticas, sentidas, pulsantes, espontâneas Onde simplicidade é um mantra Natureza é mais colorida e viva Onde estórias, sonhos, escritas, canciones, cogumelos, meditações, plantas...relembram a origem Expandem consciência Onde quintal é medicina Onde relógio é biológico Onde dança é cósmica Toda a vida é reverenciada Cada manhã é agradecida Onde autoconhecimento é tesão Onde bailamos sob a luz do dia Onde lua cheia inspira melodia Onde fogueira é tocha de reverenciar, transmutar, nutrir, festejar, unir, elevar Onde toda vida conflui em gerar mais vida Onde o diferente, misturado, loucamente criativo e imprevisivelmente multi variado é apaixonante Onde mistério é magnetizante Onde há intenção de vibe positiva Onde sentimento palpita poesia Onde curiosidade busca novas sinapses Onde roupa é a pele nua Onde o gingado vem do fluir do momento Onde silêncio inspira filosofia metafisica Onde a alma realiza as vontades Onde as palavras são sementes Onde a sinestesia exala magia Onde o gênero é vida A profissão é florescer essência Onde o ritmo é o pulsar da mãe natureza Morrer é renascer Onde se enxerga com os olhos da fronte Onde alma tece aprendizados em encantorias Onde árvores são deusidades centenárias Onde pássaros cantam livres y vuelan sem limites Gatos sobem em árvores e tomam banho de chuva Cachorros uivam nos bosques e mergulham no rio Todos os seres são libres y selvages como no principio Onde desapego é fluido Agenda é feita de sincronicidades Nuvens desenham intemporalidades Onde amar é incondicional Desejar é tântrico Onde metamorfoses diárias são renaturalizadas Onde se mergulha de ponta all in adentro Onde todos os seres são única tribo, vida Onde fio de prata clareia a caminhada Onde maior dádiva é o agora Onde traz quentin no peito q faz sorrir a alma Onde há saudação a todas as vidas Onde renascer é natural Mudar é essencial Onde aprendizado é com experimento Ensinamento é holístico Onde com o pôr do sol se hipnotiza Onde o medo é ilusão Te encontro ali... No mundo do sentir y compreender mais deep No artear magias del intento Expandir sem planejamentos Embelezar sem roteiros Alquimizar sem receitas Libertar sem fronteiras No mundo do Imaginar Sonhar Fantasiar Alquimizar Brincar Amar Cocriar Mixturar Manter a chama acesa No mundo do ousar Ir adentro, afuera Ressignificar Reintegrar Transmutar Elevar Se perder, se reencontrar Sem dia nem hora pra começar ou acabar Sem pretenção de onde chegar Sem explicação alguma pra dar Pelo prazer de viver o melhor de cada instante da jornada Cada sinestesia de intensidade Cada gosto de perspectiva Cada montanha emocional lúdica Bailar com as sombras, luzes Se aventurar, conhecer, reinventar Aproveitar o melhor de cada estação Cultivar o jardim do coração Experimentar novos mundos de dentro, de "fora", de fusões de nós, de tudo que há Saudar o desejo pelo novo O renovo de autoria onipresente A mandala do estranho O clarão do desconhecido A cerimônia do simples Os encantos do sublime As entrelinhas do dito O charme do invisível No mundo do ir além Do que já foi, que há Além de refletir Reagir Além de control c e v No mundo do intuir Do reencantar Refantasiar Canalizar Reenfeitiçar Te encontro na gira do renascer No espetáculo solar do alvorecer Na dança que o corpo se liberta Na musica que a alma se inspira Te encontro ali...aqui, ahora y além Saudando tudo que há Que foi Que está Que é Que imaginarmos Que melhor ainda será VivAvidA!
Meditação Musical ~ Ecstatic Dance ~ Inner Journey ~ Deep Ambient Electronic Music ~ Chill Live Mix

Meditação Musical ~ Ecstatic Dance ~ Inner Journey ~ Deep Ambient Electronic Music ~ Chill Live Mix

jornada sonora meditação ativa dança expansiva bailado regenerativo portal pra se perder, se reencontrar morrer, renascer expandir, transmutar catarsear, meditar se amar se sentir sem bordas pulsar sem fronteiras se encantar pela mistura adentro y afuera fundir com sinapses de multiculturas celebrando mais um dia de vida pulsando com a magia da criança alquimizando amor incondicional com musica, danza y teopoesia filosofal haciendo oq faz o ego sumir o que faz a alma sorrir o que transforma o tempo em eternidade o que reintegra a cósmika unidade partilhando pra lembrar de lembrar pra regar o jardim vida de mais vida dissolver a mente que analisa pra expandir a consciência que contempla celebrar as belezas y saberes da sinfonia vida buscando novos horizontes de inspiração trilhas de alquimias policulturas de harmonias cultivando o que nos faz se perder da razão lo que hacie pulsar mais fuerte el corazon! VivAvidA! ~ Audio completo da jornada magia no soundcloud :) Intro~DJ Gigola El Búho - Ynglingtal (feat. Jhon Montoya)~Wonderwheel Recordings El Baile del Nahual (Original)~Nicola Cruz VIKEN ARMAN - Solar (Original Mix) Between Water And Sky~Iorie & Geju Satori feat. Peia - Mori Shej An Inclination~Martinou Duality~Tumbara Nfrt.y.ty feat. Sunru~LUM Be Real~Nu, Fabian Laumer, Fabian Laumer Nicola Cruz - Tzantza~Multi Culti The End Homage (feat. Duenia)~Biota, Duenia, Moses Chimen, Roman Galperin Bo Degas Rosa - Catalina Libre~Nomade Records Road to Cartesia~Trippin Jaguar Ancestral Elephants - Mama Africa~Resueño Mojanda (feat. Wabi Sabi)~Joaquin Cornejo, Wabi Sabi Cristo Redentor~Lemon And Soul Faith’s Hymn~Beautiful Chorus, Alexandra Sarton, Faith Elsen, Veronica Santiago, Anisha Brown, Patty Coulton Outro~DJ Gigola

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20 Min Guided Breathwork to Boost Dopamine Levels And Feel Naturally High I 3 Rounds

20 Min Guided Breathwork to Boost Dopamine Levels And Feel Naturally High I 3 Rounds

Feel naturally high with this guided breathwork routine Want longer videos? Come join us on Patreon Website with T-Shirts and more: Subscribe for more content like this: If you want to share some love and create good Karma you can buy me some coffee below. Find me on instagram: BIG thanks to this weeks sponsors (Patreon members); Tim Raul Mutaz Svitlana JAcob Raul Eric Fred M. Klooster Colton Ady Shahar Xandy Alex Kris Kim Britt Siobhan Love Always breathe in a safe place, and lying down is always best. By engaging in longer and more intense sessions, breathers may access a deeper and more immersive state of self-discovery. This experience can lead to a greater level of insight, the emergence of new and enlightening thoughts, heightened awareness of one's emotional state, and improved clarity. If you are interested in diving further into your own being, longer sessions are available on my Patreon channel. I personally make all aspects of creating this content, including the music, guided voice, and video editing. It brings me pleasure to create content that can benefit you, and my hope is that it can help you improve your life in various ways, such as fostering self-love and kindness, reducing stress and anxiety, decreasing inflammation, and increasing energy. Whatever improvements it may bring, I encourage you to take a moment to appreciate yourself for investing time in your personal growth. Incorporating regular Breathwork practice into your life can yield tangible benefits such as an improved immune system, reduced stress and inflammation, enhanced focus, increased energy, and more. My guidance and the rhythmic music can facilitate a deeper state of relaxation and bliss. For the full experience, it is recommended to wear headphones and find a quiet, comfortable environment. Safety Disclaimer All information provided by this channel is only for educational and entertainment purposes. Sandy is not responsible for any losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims as a result of the information or advice given in these videos. . If you partake in this breathing session, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these sessions, assume all risk of injury to yourself. Do not practice this breathwork during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions, should always consult a medical professional before starting breathwork. These breathing exercises are a guide only, you should always listen to your own body and not push yourself, if you feel unwell stop. Never practice breathing exercises before or during diving, driving, swimming, taking a bath, or in any other circumstance where the loss of consciousness could result in physical injury. These breathing techniques may cause tingling sensations, a ringing in the ears, and/or dizziness in the head. If you feel any of these responses, don't panic it is completely normal. If you faint, however, you have gone too far and should take it more slowly next time. #breathwork #pranayama #meditation #healing #tribal #meditationmusic #pranayama #yoga 00:00 Intro 02:00 Round 1 06:40 Round 2 12:00 Round 3 17:19 Vagus Nerve Stimulation 18:45 Meditation
Guided Rhythmic Breathwork Meditation | SHIVARASA

Guided Rhythmic Breathwork Meditation | SHIVARASA

✨Train with SHIVARASA—Unlock deep work mastery and creative power in 8 weeks ↳ We Kick Off March 28th: 🔥 For the next 8 weeks, train with me, SHIVARASA, as your guide in bringing your creative project to life. Together, we’ll sharpen your focus, build discipline, and create the structure that turns your creative idea into real-world success. The creator you know you are is waiting. It’s time to meet them. --------------- ► Unlock Your Next Quantum Leap | Download your free sound journey now ↳ ► Join the Return To Sound Membership Want longer and shorter versions of these tracks to fit your day? ↳ Visit: === ► About This Track: The power and effects of ancient healing practices are so profound. Meditation and breathwork gave me my power back. It has allowed me to focus, heal my body, and unlock the deep creativity that so badly desired to be born from the depths of my soul. As a music producer and DJ for over a decade, like many artists, I placed my passions over my health. So many of us think the two are separate, when rather than being two unified pieces of a greater whole in regards to performance in life. Just as they say on airplanes to put your own oxygen mask before assisting others, we need to prioritize self-care in our lives to keep our vessels full and vibrant with energy. Over the years, I’ve taken my love for bass music and begun to incorporate personal guided meditations over my tracks. This breathing method is inspired by @WimHof, which utilizes a specific pranayama that he adopted from a yogic breathing technique originating centuries ago in India. This is my daily practice. I share it with you in hopes that you use it to tap into your own reservoir of life force energy. Breathe with us 🌬 Shivarasa -------------------------------- Featuring: @bryantwoodtv @krewellajahan @clearmortifee @christineolivia_ @reesiprocity @amirimage Shot/Edited by: @supertightco @mitcheldumlao ⁣ Music production + guided meditation by: @Shivarasa Tracks: ‘’I Am Love’ - SHIVARASA ‘They Feel, They Know’ - SHIVARASA (unreleased) - SHIVARASA ‘Take Flight’ - SHIVARASA (unreleased) - SHIVARASA ‘Spirals of Creation’ - SHIVARASA ft @AliaMo ‘The Art of Allowing (Theta Wave Meditation)’ - SHIVARASA Mix/Master: Devin Oliver Set design: @fivesensecollective Floral design: @CreativeLightDesign ⁣ HMA: @sierra.artistry⁣ Jewelry: @wenerandc ⁣@tawapa === ► Need more support on your journey? Explore SHIVARASA’S Mentorship Program for personalized coaching in creative self-mastery ↳ === ► Follow SHIVARASA on Social Media ↳ Instagram: ↳ TikTok: ↳ Twitter: ↳ Facebook: === ► Explore Other Popular Videos Meet Your Radiant Self | Quantum Leap Into Your Dream Reality ↳ Guided Rhythmic Breathwork Meditation ↳ Meet Your Virtuous Self | Warrior of Light | Stoic Meditation ↳ === BREATHWORK SAFETY DISCLAIMER At Return to Sound, we provide transformative sonic tools to support healing, self-realization, and heroic living. While these practices can be profoundly beneficial, they are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. By engaging in these breathwork sessions, you acknowledge that you are participating voluntarily and take full responsibility for your health and well-being. Return to Sound is not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from your participation. Breathwork is not suitable for everyone. Please do not practice if you are pregnant, have cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, glaucoma, epilepsy, a history of aneurysms, or severe psychiatric conditions. We strongly recommend consulting a qualified healthcare professional before beginning breathwork, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions. Listen to your body and approach these practices with care. Some sensations—such as tingling, light-headedness, or a ringing in the ears—are normal responses, but if you feel unwell, stop immediately. Never force your breath or push beyond your comfort. If you experience fainting or significant discomfort, discontinue the session and approach future practices more gently. Important: Never practice breathwork while driving, swimming, diving, taking a bath, or in any situation where losing consciousness could result in harm. These tools are here to help you reconnect with yourself and your highest potential. Engage responsibly and honor your unique journey.
Carlos Castaneda's Secret Practice of Awareness: You wouldn't know it from books

Carlos Castaneda's Secret Practice of Awareness: You wouldn't know it from books

The practice of Awareness or Magical Attention is a technique for controlling one's own life. It was revealed by Carlos Castaneda at one of the closed seminars at Yale University for students of anthropology. The practice of Awareness is an effective technique for expanding one's attention and understanding of what is happening in life. This technique relies on order in life and uses, like all other spiritual practices, the energy and forces that maintain order in ordinary life. You wouldn't know this from Castaneda's books. If you apply Carlos Castaneda's secret practice of Awareness, it will enable you to be more mindful of things and take responsibility for your own life. This will be possible because you will become more and more aware of your inner self and your hidden abilities. The practice of Awareness is further proof that Carlos Castaneda's philosophy is the key to the Knowledge we have inherited from the wise of this world. Friends, if you liked the video, we would appreciate it if you subscribe to our channel and rate it with a like. This will allow more people to get acquainted with the ideas in the video. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Transcription and audio for the published material ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 📖 Three Suns’ Mystic Library ▶ 🎧 Prefer Audiobooks? Get a 30-day Audible Plus FREE trial: 🪄 Magic Practices ▶ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⭐Become our partner (Exclusive content): 📺 Become YouTube member (Exclusive content) 🌎 Join our channel in Telegram 📘 PayPal: 🤓You can support us in cryptocurrency 0x43CcCf9fec655a56f5b1A8cB5351fB7d4EC3f5a2 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌏The purpose of the "Three Suns" channel is to: 1. To educate the masses in religion, science and philosophy; 2. Popularization of healthy lifestyle and healthy perception of reality; 3. Research activities in the study of Nature and the hidden forces of Man. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⌛ Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 00:23 Carlos Castaneda's Secret Practice of Awareness 00:55 3 steps of the technique 01:21 The first step: Attention to own state 02:06 Harm of emotional instability 02:50 The image of the Taoist monk 03:44 Order in daily life 04:42 The second step: Awareness in action 04:57 Alertness 05:39 The three states of any action 06:23 Deeper Meaning of Joy 07:36 The third step: Awareness in listening 08:05 Tonal and Nagual 09:35 Compassion and Empathy 10:09 Outline of the whole practice ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Choose that Path which has a Heart Stay with us and subscribe to our channel #phylosophy #mystery #occult #psychology #carloscastaneda
Castaneda's Hidden Method of Force Accumulating: It Can't Be Found in Books

Castaneda's Hidden Method of Force Accumulating: It Can't Be Found in Books

At his private seminar, Carlos Castaneda reveals a hidden method of accumulating Force. This method is based on the development of Magical Heat. A description of this method cannot be found in the books of Carlos Castaneda himself. The essence of the method is based on the fact that inside each person there is Magical heat that attracts the Force and through which an ordinary person can interact with the Force. The practice of developing Magical heat is based on putting your everyday life in order through order in the body, in thoughts and in sensations. The second stage is awareness of the goal in life and its importance. The third stage of the practice of developing Magical Heat is based on the development of impeccability and discipline. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Transcription and audio for the published material ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🪄 Magic Practices from Three Suns which will help you ▶ 📖 Three Suns’ Mystic Library ▶ 🎧 Prefer Audiobooks? Get a 30-day Audible Plus FREE trial: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⭐Become our partner (Exclusive content): 📺 Become YouTube member (Exclusive content) 🌎 Join our channel in Telegram 📘 Donate: 🤓You can support us in cryptocurrency USDT(TRC20) TQiv4c7k4CDa6pxLRE3FjFysB91Tkg2ES2 TON UQDh3sChx6gj3iN2SrYt7-qnqw5nGGqfb7ESndzU-0qqKqaV ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ For partnership 🤝To contact: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Some more same videos The Mystery of the Three Attentions in Castaneda's Philosophy Delve into the Essence of Carlos Castañeda's Philosophy: 8 Fundamental Concepts ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 📖Source of inspiration: C. Castaneda "The Power of Silence" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Music: Ben Mcelroy — Cricket made her happy; Brock Hewitt — Daydreamer; Future Forests — Interstellar; Revo — Reversed. Artists: Tomasz Alen Kopera Charles Frizzell ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌏The purpose of the "Three Suns" channel is to: 1. To educate the masses in religion, science and philosophy; 2. Popularization of healthy lifestyle and healthy perception of reality; 3. Research activities in the study of Nature and the hidden forces of Man. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Useful links: ✍️ Use Notion to organize your life: ♪ Library of high-quality music for creativity: 🤖Best voice generator: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⌛ Key points 00:08 Scheme of practice for developing Magical heat 00:42 Carlos Castaneda and Nagualism 01:24 A person is not only a physical body, but also an energy structure 01:57 What is Force? 02:26 The Human Spirit is the source of Force 03:34 Force reacts to Magical heat in a person 04:14 Joule-Lenz law. Reflection of magic in science 05:33 Practice developing Magical Heat. First stage. Order in life. 06:14 Order in the body 07:11 Order in thoughts 08:10 Order in sensations 09:24 The second stage of practice is to realize the purpose in life 09:54 Linguistic analysis of words related to the Force 11:49 What is the main “goal”? 12:29 Third stage of practice. Developing impeccability and discipline 13:42 Ruthlessness 14:24 Agility 14:50 Patience 15:23 Softness 16:00 Everyone can develop Magical heat ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Choose that Path which has a Heart Stay with us and subscribe to our channel #philosophy #mystery #esoterics #castaneda #donjuan
Castaneda's Secret Release Practice: The Facts You Didn't Know About

Castaneda's Secret Release Practice: The Facts You Didn't Know About

Recapitulation or magical recollection is the magical secret practice of Carlos Castaneda. Recapitulation helps to collect the energy left in the past and gain energetic integrity and release from the influence of the personal “low self” on life. But what processes underlie recapitulation, and how can one understand its operating principle based on the Knowledge of the Ancient Mysteries. Watch in our new video facts about the practice of magical recollection that you did not know about before. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Transcription and audio for the published material ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 📖 Three Suns’ Mystic Library ▶ 🎧 Prefer Audiobooks? Get a 30-day Audible Plus FREE trial: 🪄 Magic Practices ▶ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⭐Become our partner (Exclusive content): 📺 Become YouTube member (Exclusive content) 🌎 Join our channel in Telegram 📘 Donate: 🤓You can support us in cryptocurrency USDT(TRC20) TQiv4c7k4CDa6pxLRE3FjFysB91Tkg2ES2 TON UQDh3sChx6gj3iN2SrYt7-qnqw5nGGqfb7ESndzU-0qqKqaV ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🌏The purpose of the "Three Suns" channel is to: 1. To educate the masses in religion, science and philosophy; 2. Popularization of healthy lifestyle and healthy perception of reality; 3. Research activities in the study of Nature and the hidden forces of Man. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Useful links: ✍️ Use Notion to organize your life: ♪ Library of high-quality music for creativity: 🤖Best voice generator: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Some more same videos The Mystery of the Three Attentions in Castaneda's Philosophy Delve into the Essence of Carlos Castañeda's Philosophy: 8 Fundamental Concepts ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⌛ Key points 00:07 Magical practice of recapitulation 00:33 Schematic representation of the principles of recapitulation 00:59 Mysterious writer of the twentieth century Carlos Castaneda 01:42 What is recapitulation? 02:22 3 human consciousness 03:10 Tonal shapes past and present 03:38 Purpose of the Recapitulation practice 04:26 The difference between emotions and feelings 05:27 Why is a recapitulation necessary? 06:36 What does recapitulation reveal? 07:06 The connection between remembering and stalking 07:38 Discipline is the core of stalking and recapitulation 09:22 How to do a recapitulation? 10:33 4 character qualities needed for recapitulation 11:18 The 7th principle of stalking is the basis for recapitulation 12:50 3 components of remembering practice 13:12 Event selection 14:29 Meditative practice of recapitulation ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🤝To contact: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Choose that Path which has a Heart Stay with us and subscribe to our channel #phylosophy #mystery #occult #psychology #carloscastaneda
Decoding The Hidden Secrets Of The Universe | Robert Edward Grant | The Higher Self #145

Decoding The Hidden Secrets Of The Universe | Robert Edward Grant | The Higher Self #145

🔔 Subscribe for more transformational content: This week on The Higher Self, we are honored to host entrepreneur, author, and polymath Robert Edward Grant. His work offers inspiration through geometric art, mathematical insights, and explorations of ancient wonders like the Pyramids of Giza. In this episode, Danny and Robert decode the secrets of the universe, delving into topics such as manifestation, love, consciousness, God, pain, emotions, and much more. This is one of our most intriguing and powerful episodes yet—you don't want to miss it! 🌱 Reunion Experience – ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (use the code: DannyReunion) 🦋 Join Us At AWAKEN Your Highest Self – 🤝 Interested In Sponsoring The Higher Self Podcast – _________ Robert Edward Grant: Robert Edward Grant is a renowned entrepreneur, author, inventor, mathematician, geometer, artist, sculptor, musician, and music theorist. His work offers inspiration through geometric art, mathematical insights, and explorations of ancient wonders like the Pyramids of Giza. Grant's work spans biology, DNA, number theory, geometry, and physics. His discoveries are featured in the TV series 'Code X' on Gaia Network and The Robert Edward Grant Think Tank podcast. As a public speaker and educator, Grant shares his knowledge to inspire others, merging art and science. His passion for uncovering the universe's mysteries enriches our understanding and appreciation of the world's beauty and complexity. Instagram: Website: _________ Join Our Community – Join Us At AWAKEN Your Highest Self – Connect with Danny: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |
15 Minute Guided Breathwork & Meditation to Manifest Abundance I Dr. Joe Dispenza

15 Minute Guided Breathwork & Meditation to Manifest Abundance I Dr. Joe Dispenza

Daily breathwork and meditation routine to help create your new reality Want longer videos? Come join us on Patreon Website Subscribe for more content like this: If you want to share some love and create good Karma you can buy me some coffee below. Find me on instagram: BIG thanks to this weeks sponsors (Patreon): River OC Josh Hassan Roya Andrea Florian Hanna Anna Orel Haakon Jules Jay Amanda Zora Martin Mark Sven Naoufel By engaging in longer and more intense sessions, breathers may access a deeper and more immersive state of self-discovery. This experience can lead to a greater level of insight, the emergence of new and enlightening thoughts, heightened awareness of one's emotional state, and improved clarity. If you are interested in diving further into your own being, longer sessions are available on my Patreon channel. I personally make all aspects of creating this content, including the music, guided voice, and video editing. It brings me pleasure to create content that can benefit you, and my hope is that it can help you improve your life in various ways, such as fostering self-love and kindness, reducing stress and anxiety, decreasing inflammation, and increasing energy. Whatever improvements it may bring, I encourage you to take a moment to appreciate yourself for investing time in your personal growth. Safety Disclaimer All information provided by this channel is only for educational and entertainment purposes. Sandy is not responsible for any losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims as a result of the information or advice given in these videos. . If you partake in this breathing session, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these sessions, assume all risk of injury to yourself. Do not practice this breathwork during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions, should always consult a medical professional before starting breathwork. These breathing exercises are a guide only, you should always listen to your own body and not push yourself, if you feel unwell stop. Never practice breathing exercises before or during diving, driving, swimming, taking a bath, or in any other circumstance where the loss of consciousness could result in physical injury. These breathing techniques may cause tingling sensations, a ringing in the ears, and/or dizziness in the head. If you feel any of these responses, don't panic it is completely normal. If you faint, however, you have gone too far and should take it more slowly next time. #joedispenza #manifestation #abundance #lawofattraction #meditation #pinealgland #pranayama 00:00 Intro 02:00 Pineal Gland Activation 06:35 Rhytmic Gratitude Breathing 12:10 Breath Retention 14:10 Meditation for Manifestation


"Estamos de novo fazendo um jardim de pessoas. É tão maravilhoso podermos fazer jardins de nós mesmos. Eu tenho experimentado esse sentimento de que nós conseguimos florescer", Ailton Krenak. Livro "Plantas Mestras – Tabaco e Ayahuasca": Selvagem, em parceria com a Dantes Editora, realizou a roda de conversa, única e presencial, sobre PLANTAS MESTRAS, que celebrou a magnitude dos saberes da floresta, no domingo, dia 23 de outubro, na Casa França Brasil, no Centro do Rio de Janeiro. Ailton Krenak é pensador, ambientalista e uma das principais vozes do saber indígena. Criou, juntamente com a Dantes Editora, o Selvagem - ciclo de estudos sobre a vida. Vive com sua família na aldeia Krenak, nas margens do rio Doce, em Minas Gerais. É autor dos livros “Ideias para Adiar o Fim do Mundo” (Companhia das Letras, 2019), “O Amanhã Não Está à Venda” (Companhia das Letras, 2020) e “A Vida Não é Útil” (Companhia das Letras, 2020). Conheça o Caderno Selvagem - Entrar no Mundo - Conversa sobre "Plantas Mestras" assinado por Ailton Krenak e Carlos Papá: Agradecemos os parceiros e apoiadores que viabilizam a realização deste encontro e o lançamento da Flecha 7, criada com o apoio da Barbican Center de Londres, no âmbito da exposição ‘Our Time on Earth’. Realização: Selvagem Ciclo de Estudos e Dantes Editora Parceiros Institucionais: Casa França Brasil Secretaria de Cultura e Economia - Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Apoio: Instituto Inclusartiz Ipê Lira FGV Conhecimento Imagens: Elisa Mendes e Ana Rezende Edição: Elisa Mendes
A MÍSTICA MEDIEVAL QUE CONFRONTOU A INQUISIÇÃO:  Marguerite Porete - Lúcia Helena da Nova Acrópole

A MÍSTICA MEDIEVAL QUE CONFRONTOU A INQUISIÇÃO: Marguerite Porete - Lúcia Helena da Nova Acrópole

Assine o Acrópole Play para assistir à leitura comentada completa do livro com a Prof. Lúcia Helena Galvão: O ESPELHO DAS ALMAS SIMPLES é o livro que levou a mística medieval Marguerite Porete a ser julgada por heresia pela Inquisição e à morte na fogueira, em 1310, em Paris. A professora e voluntária LÚCIA HELENA GALVÃO comenta este livro tão especial que chegou aos nossos dias graças à coragem de muitos que o guardaram contra a ordem da Igreja. ERRATA: Marguerite Porete nasceu em 1250 e não em 1960. como foi dito por engano. Desculpem a falha! Adquira o livro no link: Dúvidas? Converse conosco no whatsapp: Receba nosso conteúdo no seu celular. Canal Nova Acrópole no TELEGRAM: Vocês sabiam que a Nova Acrópole é feita 100% por voluntários? Assim dependemos muito dos nossos alunos e amigos para a divulgação! Não se esqueça de se inscrever no canal e se for possível compartilhar nas suas redes sociais. Será uma ajuda enorme 😊 Informações: Instagram @novaacropolebrasilnorte Podcast: Twitter: @novaacropolebr Canal do Telegram: Assine nossa plataforma de Streaming e tenha acesso a cursos, série e entrevistas com nossos professores:, ou baixe o app @AcrópolePlay (IOS e Android). Dúvidas ou comentários? Escreva para Nova Acrópole é uma organização filosófica presente em mais de 50 países desde 1957, e tem por objetivo desenvolver em cada ser humano aquilo que tem de melhor, por meio da Filosofia, da Cultura e do Voluntariado.
Let Non-Physical Entities Show You The Path! *Non-physical Communication* ✨ Abraham Hicks 2023

Let Non-Physical Entities Show You The Path! *Non-physical Communication* ✨ Abraham Hicks 2023

Let Non-Physical Entities Show You The Path! *Non-physical Communication* ✨ Abraham Hicks 2023 This insightful video delves into the profound connection between the physical and non-physical realms. It highlights the ability to communicate with non-physical entities and the importance of tuning into the right vibrational frequencies to perceive these interactions. Personal stories, such as Esther's experiences with non-physical communication, are shared to illustrate the continuity between physical and non-physical existence. This video serves as a guide for those seeking to understand and embrace the interconnectedness of all beings. 🗝️ Key Takeaways 🌳 00:00 Connecting with Non-Physical Beings 🌌 02:20 The Oneness in the Universe 🍃 03:40 Esther's Experience 🚪 06:13 Physical Evidence 💫 08:21Physical and Non-Physical Realms 🌐 12:32 Raising Perspective 👉 Daily Videos: 🔸 To find a full recording to this segment let us know in the comments! 🟡 More From Our Channel: 💫 Command Your Cells! Use Vibration Not Words! 💫 We’ve Never Said This Ever Before! 💫 Don’t Ignore This Message From Your Future Self! For original recordings and more resources from Abraham-Hicks: 🌐 Visit their official website: 📞 Or call: (830)755-2299 Check out Abraham-Hicks' 2023 schedule of events, cruises, and subscriptions: 👉 All Abraham-Hicks audio materials in our videos are copyrighted by Esther Hicks. We respect intellectual properties and ensure we're in line with the USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL GUIDELINES of Abraham Hicks: Regarding our animations: © "AH Universe" holds exclusive commercial rights for the animated video content on this channel. These rights are procured from GoAnimate, Inc. (Vyond) and are non-transferable. For more details on Vyond's Terms of Use, visit: 📝All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings, and workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission. Always respect the creators and their works. Public material upload coordinated with: | 1-830-755-2299
Stop Messing Around & Start Creating! *Your Time Is Limited* ✨ Abraham Hicks 2023

Stop Messing Around & Start Creating! *Your Time Is Limited* ✨ Abraham Hicks 2023

Stop Messing Around & Start Creating! *Your Time Is Limited* ✨ Abraham Hicks 2023 Explore the transformative power of desire and positive thinking in manifesting your dreams and goals. This insightful video delves into the concept of using your environment to inspire and realize your deepest aspirations, teaching you how to harness the Law of Attraction effectively. 🗝️ Key Takeaways 🚀 00:00 Understanding Desire and Creation 🔑 01:50 Recognizing Your Role as a Creator 💭 03:16 Vibrational Beings in a Vibrational Universe 🔄 05:44 Deliberate vs. Default Point of Attraction ⚙️ 08:33 Momentum and Law of Attraction 🌟 11:59 Vibrational Reality and Creation 🌪️ 13:39 Getting in the Vortex 👉 Daily Videos: 🔸 To find a full recording to this segment let us know in the comments! 🟡 More From Our Channel: 💫 Command Your Cells! Use Vibration Not Words! 💫 We’ve Never Said This Ever Before! 💫 Don’t Ignore This Message From Your Future Self! For original recordings and more resources from Abraham-Hicks: 🌐 Visit their official website: 📞 Or call: (830)755-2299 Check out Abraham-Hicks' 2023 schedule of events, cruises, and subscriptions: 👉 All Abraham-Hicks audio materials in our videos are copyrighted by Esther Hicks. We respect intellectual properties and ensure we're in line with the USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL GUIDELINES of Abraham Hicks: Regarding our animations: © "AH Universe" holds exclusive commercial rights for the animated video content on this channel. These rights are procured from GoAnimate, Inc. (Vyond) and are non-transferable. For more details on Vyond's Terms of Use, visit: 📝All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings, and workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without permission. Always respect the creators and their works. Public material upload coordinated with: | 1-830-755-2299
An Ordinary Beautiful Life

An Ordinary Beautiful Life

Support us in creating more films like this : Thank you Justine & Michael 💚 Wrinkles, lines, scars - there are many ways that time leaves its mark on our bodies. Yet mainstream culture dreads getting older - we are urged to fight the ageing process, and many feel pressure to lie about their age. But as Betty Friedan famously said: "Ageing is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength." With age can come confidence, and freedom to realize who we really are. As we age, we grow into a deeper kind of beauty, one which works its way from the inside out. It’s a more authentic beauty because it radiates from within. So let’s celebrate lives well lived. And feel lucky to wake each morning to appreciate what the new day has to offer. Filmed in McGregor, South Africa. Featuring Annie Norgarb. All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons. To be part of this journey : If you'd prefer to make once off contribution, our PayPal details are : Join our YouTube channel to get early access to our films : Who is Reflections of Life? We are Justine and Michael (previously known as Green Renaissance). We use our passion for filmmaking and our love of storytelling, to remind our audience of one simple truth – that we are all human. The more that we understand and believe in this interconnectedness, the more we will treat ourselves, one another, and planet earth with a greater sense of compassion. In collaboration with iNous, we recently released a beautiful deck of 52 cards - each card containing a quote from one of our films, paired with the activating visual muses of Lanon Prigge. The aim of this deck is to rekindle child-like curiosity and creativity, helping to navigate the shared waters of our human experience with grace and joy. If you’d like to consider purchasing your copy, shop here - You can also sign up to take part in the Reflections of Life Intentional Journey, receiving a digital copy of each card direct to your email, over a consecutive 52 day period - Editing - by Jackie Viviers Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey Music sourced from ArtList - Completion (Reworked) - by Christopher Galovan Bloom Again - by We Dream Of Eden Sleep Soon - by The David Roy Collective Plead Pause - by Dear Gravity A huge thank you to these guys, who so generously gave of their to time to help with language translations: Arabic - by Mohammad Alkhudhair Catalan - by Pau Zabaleta Chinese - by Loretta Jiayi Mao Croatian - by Davor Bobanac Czech - by Pavla Látalová English - by Justine du Toit French - by Amélie Macoin German - by Tanja Pütz Greek - by Angeliki Papadimitriou Hindi - by Parul Sharma Indonesian - by Ary Nuansa Italian - by Vincenzo Mocerino Khmer - by Measraksmey Bou Korean - by Chloe Park Persian - by Mona Zadsham Polish - by Anna Konieczna Portuguese - by Jonatha Koeller Romanian - by Nelia Stoyanova Russian - by Nelia Stoyanova Slovak - by Zuzana Beratsova Slovenian - by Jasmina Kovačič Turkish - by Ahsen Aygören Vietnamese - by Thi Le

"Naturezavessa é um Movimento de Amor, um chamado interior, cósmico, por conhecer, compreender, realizar, curar, libertar, expandir. A mente, o corpo, a alma, a vida. É uma Metamorfose Artística TeoFilosopoéticaMusical, à serviço da harmonia entre todas as formas de vida, da evolução da vida. É uma jornada de reencontro com a criança interior, com as raízes, com a alma livre, com valores, com o sagrado em tudo, com o coração de mãe terra, com o pulsar da tribo natureza. É um cultivo de belezas e saberes da natureza, uma semente multiversal, um florescimento da essência, um transbordar da criatividade, um irradiar de amor incondicional, um portal de expansão da consciência cósmica, uma celebração da Vida"


Lorenza Decottignies Lorenzon


Mão Azul - MANIK


Potencializo com o fim de conhecer
Comandando a Cura
Selo o Armazém da realização

Com o tom harmonico da radiação
Eu sou guiado pelo poder da visão


Sou o Avatar
codificado pela Mão Azul
e pelo poder do sete.
Movo-me através do teu mundo,
descendendo das alturas cósmicas dos sete ciclos.
Tenho as chaves para os sete dias da Criação.
Sou o realizador, o construtor de formas.
Sou o construtor dos mundos do porvir.
Dentro da arquitetura interdimensional,
deixo o caminho do conhecimento para que o recordes.
Conhecer, curar, realizar
aceno-te com estas palavras para que as concretizes,
através de todas as tuas ações.
Por ser o guardião do pacto
enlaço todo o conhecimento para a cura da alma-mundi.
O código está em meu ser;
um enigma envolto em mistério
deixa pistas divinas
com quem quer que me encontre.
Minha missão é exemplificar
o que outros, todavia, não conheceram.

Fonte original:
Crônicas da História Cósmica - Volume 5
Valum Votan - Jose Arguelles e Rainha Vermelha - Stephanie South

Descubra o seu arquétipo do Kin AQUI

Nodo norte em sagitário

Expansão de horizontes, Porfundidade de Conhecimento, Curiosidade pela verdade, Otimismo, Aprendizado Holistico, Alma Aventureira, Liberdade de Expressão, Criatividade, Autoconhecimento, Partilha de Saberes, Evolução Espiritual


Descubra o seu nodo norte e mapa natal AQUI

Caminho da vida 7

Busca por Conhecimento, Curiosidade pelos mistérios da vida, Partilha de Conhecimento, Solitude Criativa

Descubra o seu nodo norte e mapa natal AQUI

PelasAventurasAdentro y Afuera
Vivemos, Morremos, Renascemos, Expandimos, Evoluimos,


que Somos Natureza
somos Sementes Cósmicas
somos o que sonhamos

Somos o que Cocriamos
o que Cultivamos
Somos Luz eAmor 
Somos Magia
Somos som e movimento
Musica y Danza

Somos Metamorfoses de Forças da Natureza
Somos Arte e Artistas
Somos o Aqui e Agora
Somos um Pulsar UNO

Somos Unidade na Multiplicidade
Multiplicidade na Unidade
Somos um MistérioApaixonante
Somos um Avante y Beyond!


fazemos o que nos pulsa mais sentir, intuir e mais vida!
irradiamos luz e amor de dentro
replantamos amor liberdade beleza harmonia valores
semeamos saberes e belezas 
cultivamos mais vida
adentro afuera y por toda a parte
agradecemos pelo que foi é e será!


Ahow! Ubuntu! In Lak' ech! Haux! Saravá! Optcha! Namastê! Axé! Amem! Anauê! Jah  bless! Abençoades Sejamos! Viva a mistura! Viva a Unidade! Viva todas as saudações! Viva todas as vidas! Viva o Amor! VivOAgora! VivAvidA!


Nova Delhi,India, 2017

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